Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Never Have I Ever...

...walked out of a movie. Tonight I did.

One of my Best Friends came home on Saturday and we finally got to hang out tonight. We decided to go and see "The Happening" at the mall near my house. We did some catch up as we ate snacks and ignored lame previews. Then, the movie started. From the first second I knew it was bad. And I don't mean bad like "Meet the Spartans" bad...I mean that movie was just dumb but I even sat through that. But "The Happening" was downright awful - we walked out and I was trembling and in tears. WARNING: the following contains spoilers for the movie.

In the first two minutes of the movie it shows a woman stabbing herself. A minute later you watch a few dozen men jumping off buildings and falling to there death as they break their necks. The story line unfolds and you find out there is an airborne toxin that is inhibiting our "self preservation" neurotoxins - in other words, it's causing people to kill themselves. Next you see a woman gouge out her jugular with her car keys. Then you see a cop shoot his brains out; a man watches then gets out of his car, grabs the same gun and shoots HIS brains out. A woman is looking on, walks over and grabs the SAME gun and shoots her brains out. Next the main characters get seperated and one is driving through this small town. Two of the characters see a video sent via blackberry of a man feeding himself to the lions at a local zoo and they show the man being eaten alive. Then they come upon a tree trimming truck but it's abandoned. Further up the road, the half dozen tree trimmers have hung themselves in the trees they were trimming. The toxin is obviously in the air now and so the one main character is in a car full of people who are talking and suddenly get a glazed look over their face and stop the car. Suddenly they rev the cars engine and crash it full speed into a tree - all the bodies tumble out in unnatural positions. The main character is the only one to survive, gets out, grabs a piece of the broken windshield and stabs himself in the neck. The rest of the main characters are in another part of town and drive upon something in the road. They use binoculars to see that it is a massive pile of bodies.

I had been contemplating leaving ever since I saw the hangings, but the pile of bodies pushed me over the edge and I told my friend I was leaving with or without her. We ended up walking out with some people actually following us.

All of this happened within the first half hour of the movie. I couldn't bare to see what would happen if I stayed. I didn't want to see children killing themselves and I felt it may be coming. I don't know - I didn't stay. I have honestly NEVER ever walked out on a movie in my life. I give everything a fair chance no matter how crappy it may be. But this was downright wrong. How could you make a movie about something so inappropriate? I cried for an hour after I left. Some might say that makes me weak or weird but this movie literally shook me to the core.

I think I was so bothered by this film for two reasons. One - the movie SHOWED the people dying. I understand death is a natural process and I understand that it was JUST a movie but to show something so...not sacred, but what's the word....taboo?, ineffable...I guess. To show it in such a disrespectful and careless way is just wrong. This leads to the second reasons why I was disturbed by this movie. I am someone who does not take things lightly and I especially value my life as I was once someone who took it for granted. I tried to take my own life twice in my existence and both times came very close to succeeding. To so casually portray death by those means just brought back the hell on earth I had experienced so long ago. I know it is the past but still it just really shook my core.

I honestly don't think I hope to achieve anything by writing this blog. I think I just needed it for cleansing sake. "The Happening," in my opinion is a terrible and awful movie and I will never see it again. It offended and terrified me.

In happier news, I'm home for the summer. I'm taking one sociology class at the main university in the morning and working at Gymbo in the afternoon (the clothing, not the play one). Im glad to be home with my family however I'm sad to be away from K and I feel really isolated here. Good practice for Russia I suppose.

On the news tonight I saw a gay couple from my state is getting married and having a baby. It just made me so happy to know that it was possible where I LIVED.

Oh, now I remember what I was going to write. I need money. No I'm not asking for handouts. But I was looking on craigslist for a second job and I read that they give 5k for egg donors. I first wanted to do it just because of the money but now I'm thinking more deeply about it - some day me and K or me and someone are going to depend on sperm donors to bring a child into this world. There are people out there doing there part to help make mine and K's dreams come true - should I do the same to help someone else's dreams come true? Here's what I've come up with:

Helping a couple in need (esp. gay couples)
money (getting out of debt, spending money abroad, going to sorority sisters wedding this summer)

I take medication
There could be a child of mine out there that I don't know
I'm not in the BEST of shape

any suggestions?


Positive Thought of the Day: I've started blogging again!