Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So you had a bad day...

I don't know why I titled my blog that today...that song just came to mind when I was thinking of everything I wanted to write.

Last time I wrote I had been partying (bottle of vodka everynight as vodka is in fact cheaper than water here) every single night and going on field trips every day. Me and my roommate were getting along great. I was confused about my sexuality but wasn't letting it get to me as I was enjoying the single life. Then I sorta just hit a plateau and then more like a downward slope. Things got BAD with my roommate and ultimately she got expelled. Some people here don't really like me anymore because I got that girl in trouble, even though I know what I did was right (for more info read "Tattoos on the Cross" on my other blog). We've reached a degree of stagnancy in everyday life with classes and now it's up to us to make the most of our experience. Crazy right...take care of ourselves? :p No...I'm excited and up to the challenge (I know the word challenge seems inappropriate but I'm so not used to taking care of myself) and have so many places I want to see. Then there's the BIG SURPRISE I know none of you knew was coming...K and I got back together. I was hurt by the sorority sister thing but we got through it and I realized I still don't want anything serious but I still love her and can be with her without committing the rest of my life to her. Basically, our motto for this inning is "now was made for you and me," ...iuno, sounds about right.

Well, I'm just gonna go day by day and see what God puts in my path. I'm a little scared of how things are with K because my Mom doesn't approve and I value her opinion so much. She told me last night "If the relationship is strong it will survive but it just seems like you guys are holding on for dear life." ...what if she's right?

Anyway-I don't think I've opened up Google Reader in like a month. How are all of you. I hope everything is going well at your homes and places of work and you're all staying safe and blessed by the Lord! Take care


Positive Thought of the day: I think I was called by God today to my line of work.

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