...I do NOT go around questioning your heterosexuality. So I'd really freakin appreciate it if you stopped questioning my homosexuality. Even if it is a phase, that's none of your damn business. I'm am going to LOVE and have SEX and KISS and HOLD HANDS and CHECK OUT whoever I frickin want. I REPEAT...I do NOT question you...so would EVERYONE just STOP questioning me?! I have enough going on...
URGH I AM SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not questioning you, I'm just saying that God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. And one more thing: we're not questioning. We're criticizing.
by the way, I am not against gay and lesbian rights.
Truly, god's plan was for babies to be made by a man and a woman. You are corrupting a child by raising him/her with 2 mothers. What pressure would it put on the child if he/she wanted to be a heterosexual? How humiliating would it be for it's friends to ask "So, where does YOUR daddy work?" These are the things you need to think about.
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